01 . Roti


 400 g Raw American flour
 1/2 Coconut scraped (1 1/2 Cup of dedicated coconut) 
 3 Teaspoon Salt water
 1 Cup Called water
 6 Small red onions sliced
 2 Dry chillies
 3-4 Teaspoon Margarine or oil

Sieved raw American flour, mix with scraped coconut and salt water in a bowl.Add some cold water and mix up to a suitable consistency that will leave the bowl.If desired add the sliced onions and cut dry chillies.Make 6-8 equal balls.

Grease a plantain leaf or oil paper with a little margarine or oil. Flatten an even , round Roti and then apply just a little margarine or oil on top.

Heat a flat pan, put the Roti on it. When one side is baked, turn over to the other side and bake.

Serve with Chilly Paste, Seeni Sambol, Fish or Beef Curry.
If Roti is made without onions and chillies, butter  and sugar and jam may be served with the roti


02 . Gotukola Salad


 1 Bundle Gotukola
 8 Red onions sliced (small)
 2 Green chillies sliced
 1 Teaspoon Pounded Maldives fish
 1/2 Lime
 3 Teaspoon Salt water
 2 Teaspoon Scraped coconut(optional)

Wash the Gotukola well and shred them very fine.
Slice the Onions and Green Chillies.
Spread the salt water and squeeze the onions.
Mix all the ingredients together.
Add 2 teaspoons of scraped coconut if desired.


03 . Sprats dried with tomato and hot pepper


 250 g Dried Sprats
 2 Hot peppers
 1 Large tomato
 1 Large red onion
 2 Cloves Garlic chopped
 3 Teaspoon Chilli flakes
 75 ml Canola (or Coconut) Oil
 Spring curry leaves

Chop hot pepper, onion and tomato and mixed them well. Heat oil in a frying pan and add sprats garlic and spring curry leaves. After about 3 minutes add chopped onions, tomato and hot pepper and mixed together with sprats. Fry about another 5 minutes on high flame. Lower the temperature and add chilli flakes and salt according to the taste and simmer it for another 5 minutes.


04 . Gotukola Kenda (Soup)


 1 Cup Red raw rice
 1 Cup Roughly chopped Gotu Kola
 3 Cups Coconut milk
 2 Cups Water
 1 Teaspoon Finely chopped ginger
 2 Bulbs Finely chopped garlic
 1 Teaspoon Lemon juice
 1 Teaspoon Salt

Wash Rice. Add salt and boil with water.
Crush Gotukola in a motor or blender using 1 cup of coconut milk.
When Rice is cooked, add 2 cups of coconut milk and mixed the ginger, garlic and Gotukola juice. Bring Kanda (soup) in to boil.
Add lemon juice for seasoning.

Serve plain or with Jaggery and roasted bread.


05 . Lentil with Spinach (Masoor Dhal with Spinach)


 350 gSpinach
 75 gMasoor Dhal (lentils)
 50 gRed onions sliced. (Quarter of a big red/white onion or 3-4 small red onions)
 1 CloveGarlic finely chopped
 2Green/red chillies sliced
 1 TeaspoonMaldives fish (optional)
 1/4 TeaspoonTurmeric or Saffron powder
 1/4 TeaspoonMustard seeds
 3/4 TeaspoonSalt
 1 TeaspoonOil
 1 CupCoconut milk
 1-2Spring curry leaves
 1/2 CupWater

Wash the spinach well. Cut the leaves into big pieces. Cut the tender stalks finely.

Wash the Dhal well and mix in salt water, turmeric, half of green chillie, onion and garlic.  Cover and boil till Dhal get slightly soft.

Remove the Dhal from pan and set a side. Add the oil, remaining onion, chillie, garlic, mustard seeds and Maldives fish in the pan and heat it in medium heat. Tamper for 1-2 minutes and add the coconut milk into the pan. 

When coconut milk starts boiling add Dhal back into the pan. Add the spinach on top of Dhal curry and remove from the heat. Mix Dhal and spinach together and served into a dish immediately to prevent overcooking and keep the freshness of the spinach.